Monday, April 6, 2009

A book called it

There was once a boy and people where being mean to him and laughing at him but I didnt think it was funny. But I didn't do anything to help them stop. I started hanging around with him, he was pretty cool but no one ever took the chance to know him. All they did was laugh at him and stuff but if they had the chance to know him they would like him too. I don't know why people are like that nowadays, it's pretty mean, some people just don't get it.


The game oiligarchy is a good game but there's one thing that's wrong with it. It needs more information in the beginning. because even i didnt get it in beginning. well the game is about pollnution and oil and keeping the goverment happy and not to pollunt to much. because the peolpe will start a riot. the game is good it doesnt need improvments so injoy the game.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Well my class watched a move called Twilight and it was pretty good but I watched it before so I watched it again. and the think i liked about it was when the vampiers want to play baseball because it show that there fast i liked the hole movie pretty much it was cool but there was one thinking that wasnt right a bout it the vampiers would turn into dimond. and vampiers burn when they are in the sun but other then that it was good so i put a video on this blog its just a trailer of how the movie want.